Yes, I felt it was time for a facelift.... so here is the new logo for "Two Guys and a Loom" as designed by my sweet friend Meredith! We've also used this same concept for an Etsy banner, business cards, and product tags.... someone could mistaken us for a real business!!!!
So.... whaddya think.... hello.... I can't hear you, oh wait, there's the thundering applause!!!! As you can see, the rest of the blog has a fresh new look too, all thanks to Meres!!!!
Some other things around here are getting facelifts too, cuz ya know bathing suit season is fast approaching! The chicks are getting ready for the season by eating more chicken salad!
What!!!!! You don't feed your chickens salad??!?!?! |
This is a treat that the girls get about once a week, and they love it..... plus it will help them look their best when summer hits and those bikinis come out of the closet!!!
Speaking of the chicks, they're finally starting to earn their keep, or at least one little lady is. We've been getting one little pullet egg about every other day, although yesterday I found two, so someone else is starting to step up to the plate as well.
Aren't they about the cutest darn eggs you've ever seen? Plus if my calculations are correct, they're worth about $27.63 each.... who said you can't find a golden egg!!!! |
Maxine's back issues are doing better, although she is still on restricted activity and no steps!!!! So that means Daddy Kent has to carry her up and down the steps at least twice a day, and we have now lowered our mattress to the floor so that she doesn't have to jump up and down..... can ya say SPOILED!!!!!
Had to show you a gorgeous hat that I got from my blogger friend
Sharon at
In Stitches..... she is just amazing, especially when you consider that she spun the wool from her sheep and a neighbor's, then knitted this lovely cap!!!!
It looks pretty good on Madge, and all natural dyes for my bald little head!!!! |
Speaking of my bald head, I got myself some fashion accessories since I thought I could use a little lift too!!!
This is one of my new Oticon hearing aids!!!! In Chroma Beige of course!!!! |
It was interesting when people learned that I was getting hearing aids, their first comment was usually something like..... "Your too young for hearing aids"...... well, hearing loss can effect people at any age, and it is more a factor of genetics and other factors than age alone. Plus, I was just missing too much in conversations with Chris, my family, and my clients. So.... hear we are today with hearing aids at the very young age of 4?..... forty-something!!!!
Hope you all are doing well..... would love to hear some comments here on what you think of the new look.... of the blog silly, not the hat, chickens, dogs, or my ears!!!!
Peace! Kent